Monday, April 17, 2006

Spring Break

Hey, Y’all,

I spent Semana Santa (the week before Easter and my university’s spring break) traveling. The Mexicans generally exit en masse to the beaches so I went to opposite direction to avoid the body-carpet on the coast. I hit Mexico City for a couple nights to take the Foreign Service Exam (yes, even I grow tired of being desperately poor) and I find out in late July if I passed, so let’s have some world-wide finger crossing, please. Then I headed to the beautiful state of Michoacan about five hours west of Mexico City for the rest of the week with another professor from another university. Colonial cities, cathedrals, local crafts fairs, rivers, volcanoes, and a little dancing on top of non-traditional surfaces at bars . . . you know the drill. Good times had by all. Take care!




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